Saturday, November 15, 2008


"Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory." Psalm 50:15

I remember, "Where is God"? article in Didache the other day, where the above passage is a confirmation.

It is true that every single second of our lives, God is with us. He is always there with us. During good times nor bad times.

However, during great times in our live, most of us forget God in our lives. We often do not recognize God.

But during bad times most of us begin to ask, "Where is God?" Most of us only seek God in our lives when we are down. But some even blame God for the bad things.

But we all know He is always there for us. And bad times are there to remind us that He is with us. And its true, after the bad times, we can then realize He is always with us when we are able to surpass storms in our lives.

It is but right to give Him the glory He deserve. To God be the glory! Amen.

...thanks for the comments...God bless!